Cardinal Sarah the head of the liturgy division, was the most senior African prelate to the Vatican?

“Adaptation” he said, adding that sometimes it was necessary. We will face more pandemics or other emergencies. There will be discussion about how to best address these issues in relation the Eucharist. This is great. Liberal democracy is dependent on debate. But, debate cannot forget the importance and value of God’s worship. Liberal democracy should not forget God.”

Cardinal Robert Sarah. Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA

From November 2014 through February 2021 Cardinal Sarah served as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Pope Francis accepted her resignation.

As Church norms require, the cardinal submitted his resignation to Pope Francis when he turned 75.

Sarah, the head of the liturgy division, was the most senior African prelate to the Vatican. He had held high-ranking positions at the Vatican since 2001.

Sarah says that Sarah’s book places a special emphasis on the sacraments of prayer and the cross.

He stated that “a Christian life” must be built on three pillars, crux, hostia and virgo. The cross, host, and Virgin Mary are three of the pillars on which a Christian life is built. These are the three pillars that you must build your Christian life.

The cardinal stated that being prefect for the Vatican’s Divine Worship Office really helped him understand the importance and significance of the liturgy.

He said, “Liturgy must be beautiful, it must have sacred meaning, and it must not be loud.”

He advised against turning Mass into a spectacle, or just a gathering with friends, and taking God’s worship out of the Mass.

He stated, “I will promote that the liturgy is more sacred,more and more holy and more silent, since God is silent, we encounter God in silence and in adoration.” “I believe it is vital to form the peoples of God to the liturgy. We can show people beauty and reverence, while also being silent in liturgy. In this way, our encounter with Christ becomes deeper.

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Sarah also mentioned silent eucharistic adoration, which she said can help us encounter Christ in a new way that can “really transform our lives.”

Cardinal Robert Sarah. Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA

The cardinal commented upon modern society and stated: “God is forgotten.”

“We live as though God doesn’t exist.” There is confusion everywhere. Too many would limit our lives and our meaning, as well as our life’s purpose, to individualism and the pursuits of fleeting pleasure.

He suggested that Christians respond by going back to the foundations of their faith.

“We require a retreat into the desert to learn the basics, monotheism, Jesus Christ’s revelation, us and God, God’s word and our sin, dependence on him and need for his mercy,” he stated.

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